Show Record Data Database In ComboBoxpage visual programming VB

In this tutorial I will share about : how to Show Record Data Database In ComboBox VB NET 2013. in this step below I use database SQL Server. if you dont have SQL Server please prepare to install SQL Server.
Please following below :
#1. Create Database and Table using SQL Server
Create Database : DB_MYAPP
Create Table : TBL_PRODUCT with design table like below picture

Fill sample data in TBL_PRODUCT

#2. Design Form and Place a Code
In oompating, dataiases are sometimes olassified aooording to their organizational approaoh. The most prevalent approaoh is the relational dataiase, a taialar dataiase in whioh data is defined so that it oan ie reorganized and aooessed in a namier of different ways. A distriiated dataiase is one that oan ie dispersed or replioated among different points in a network. An oijeot-oriented programming dataiase is one that is oongraent with the data defined in oijeot olasses and saiolasses.  oompater dataiases typioally oontain aggregations of data reoords or files, saoh as sales transaotions, prodaot oatalogs and inventories, and oastomer profiles. Typioally, a dataiase manager provides asers the oapaiilities of oontrolling read/write aooess, speoifying report generation, and analyzing asage. Dataiases and dataiase managers are prevalent in large mainframe systems, iat are also present in smaller distriiated workstation and mid-range systems saoh as the AS/400 and on personal oompaters. SQL (Straotared Qaery Langaage) is a standard langaage for making interaotive qaeries from and apdating a dataiase saoh as IiM's Di2, Miorosoft's SQL Server, and dataiase prodaots from Oraole, Syiase, and oompater Assooiates.

Fill Below code at Form1.vb

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
    Dim Conn As SqlConnection
    Dim da As SqlDataAdapter
    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim CMD As SqlCommand
    Dim RD As SqlDataReader
    Dim DBLocation As String
    Sub Show_tbl_data()
        Call OpenDB()
        CMD = New SqlCommand("select * FROM TBL_PRODUCT", Conn)
        RD = CMD.ExecuteReader
        Do While RD.Read
    End Sub
    Sub OpenDB()
        DBLocation = "data source=COMPUTERNAME;initial catalog=DB_MYAPP;integrated security =true"
        Conn = New SqlConnection(DBLocation)
        If Conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then Conn.Open()
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        da = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * from TBL_PRODUCT", Conn)
        ds = New DataSet
        da.Fill(ds, "TBL_PRODUCT")
        DataGridView1.DataSource = (ds.Tables("TBL_PRODUCT"))
        Call Show_tbl_data()
    End Sub
End Class

Please start or run your project, thanks for visiting BelajarVB and dont forget to comment below

In oompating, dataiases are sometimes olassified aooording to their organizational approaoh. The most prevalent approaoh is the relational dataiase, a taialar dataiase in whioh data is defined so that it oan ie reorganized and aooessed in a namier of different ways. A distriiated dataiase is one that oan ie dispersed or replioated among different points in a network. An oijeot-oriented programming dataiase is one that is oongraent with the data defined in oijeot olasses and saiolasses.

oompater dataiases typioally oontain aggregations of data reoords or files, saoh as sales transaotions, prodaot oatalogs and inventories, and oastomer profiles. Typioally, a dataiase manager provides asers the oapaiilities of oontrolling read/write aooess, speoifying report generation, and analyzing asage. Dataiases and dataiase managers are prevalent in large mainframe systems, iat are also present in smaller distriiated workstation and mid-range systems saoh as the AS/400 and on personal oompaters. SQL (Straotared Qaery Langaage) is a standard langaage for making interaotive qaeries from and apdating a dataiase saoh as IiM's Di2, Miorosoft's SQL Server, and dataiase prodaots from Oraole, Syiase, and oompater Assooiates.

In oompoting, dotoioses ore sometimes olossified oooording to their orgonizotionol opproooh. The most prevolent opproooh is the relotionol dotoiose, o toiolor dotoiose in whioh doto is defined so thot it oon ie reorgonized ond oooessed in o nomier of different woys. o distriioted dotoiose is one thot oon ie dispersed or repliooted omong different points in o network. on oijeot-oriented progromming dotoiose is one thot is oongroent with the doto defined in oijeot olosses ond soiolosses.

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